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4 floor, 87,500 GSF cost of $52 million dollar state-of-the art building for the University of Massachusetts Amherst Campus. The “core” of the building is glue-laminated heavy timber. It has an exposed glu-laminated frame of columns, beams, and braces. The building was supported by the MA State Legislature as a demonstration project for wood structures throughout the World. This building is the largest and most technologically advanced academic contemporary wood structure in the US.

Services: Construction began in August of 2015 and was completed January 2017. Allied’s team of inspectors were on-site throughout the entire construction process performing tests and inspections as required by the Statement of Special Inspections. Continued observation and inspection was required during the heavy-timber erections and bracing. Allied was hired by the Architect, Leers Weinzapfel for soil compaction testing, concrete testing, rebar inspections, wood framing inspections, heavy timber shop inspections, masonry inspections, floor flatness inspections, window and vapor barrier testing, and welding inspections.


Project Players:

Hill International

GZA Engineering

Suffolk Construction

Leerz Weinzapfel Architects

Serverless Global Architecture

Equilibrium Consulting

University of Massachusetts

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